
Holiday Moods

Emma's Thanksgiving Place Cards

Hope you' re feeling better soon, Alexis.



Enjoys pasta with tomato sauce


So What Else is New, Blogger?

Photo Uploading Unavailable

Blogger photo uploading is currently down. Our engineers are working on the situation.

Birthday Report Card


Party with Elmo & Evan!

This is a Black and White Cake from JaCiva's Bakery. Yum, yum, yum.


Tried Again

I tried again to load images using the Netscape browser, but it isn't working either. I've tried several trillion times using Mozilla and Firefox, but no luck. There are a couple of pictures from 10/09 to post. In the meantime, the boy is starting to take even independent steps, walking a few steps and then sitting or sometimes falling down. Pictures to follow eventually.


Twelve Months and One Day

Blogger is not cooperating again. Mozilla failed and now Firefox isn't loading the images.

We had yet another birthday celebration on 10/09/07. There was lots of singing and hand clapping. Today we had leftover birthday cake, more hand clapping, and Evan took several solo steps. It looks like he might be walking soon. Someone else will be running. That's for sure.

We'll be back with pictures when the software bugs go away.



Chocolate devilsfood cake with chocolate icing in the middle and peppermint flavored seven-minute white icing with multi-colored sprinkles tossed artfully onto the cake.

Checking out a balloon.

Now starting to take steps. Someone didn't want to let go!

And then there were cupcakes...

Regular size cupcakes: Devilsfood chocolate cake with seven minute white icing flavored with peppermint and then dipped in sprinkles.

Mini cupcakes - bite size!
Chocolate Devilsfood cake with chocolate icing and dipped in multi-colored sprinkles.